I am me and they are they
The world's beautiful they say
Oh no it very well is not
It's easy for you to not see
To not see the harsh reality
To not see the hardships we face
The injustice we've to put up with
It's gonna be the world versus me
Where money can straighten all curves
And make lines curved
Where there's absolutely no justice
I don't get this world
It's time to stop cooperating
It's time to shut them out fully
It's time to go into hiding
And plan, plan, plan a revenge
Oh I am fed up with the world
With the system they've created
With pretty much everything
It's gonna be the world versus me
A world where everything is so unfair
Where everything is sold
To those who have the money to buy
I don't get this world
Oh, the plans to take over the world
To turn them against themselves
To sit and watch them finish one another
And just relish every bit of it
All faded away into nothingness
It was all in vain pretty much
For even if I can beat them in the end
But, well, I can't beat death
I will change the world, I said
In my heart of hearts, I knew I could
I will take down everything I hate
Or I will simply die trying
But then I said to myself slowly
Well, I have to die in the end
So why not enjoy the life instead?
No, I can't do that in this world
So you see I am stuck either way
And after giving the matter some thought
I decided to choose the rebellious path
And I openly declare war against the world
I will soon go into hiding
But I will emerge one day in the future
For all the innocent people who've been wronged
I am coming for you, I really am
Why struggle?
Why fight for a better world?
Don't you realize?
You're running out of time?
You'll go one day
Your efforts will fade away
Life is too short
No point struggling
Perhaps my life is but a long nightmare
I'd wake up to find a better world
For this isn't how the world should be
I don't get this world
A thousand fears lie underneath
Yet I'm so alive being so close to death
And till I've taken my revenge I bet
I'm bewitched to live and breathe
It will be the world versus me
And if you choose to join me
It's gonna be the world versus us
Oh it's gonna be the world versus us